I've never believed in Fairy Tales but, then there I was at Universal Studios and Shrek and Fiona were right there. I mean, I gasped and took off running after them. I am not exaggerating, I ran until I caught up with them because they were changing locations. I didn't realize they weren't disappearing but just going to another place for photos so I ran as fast as I could yelling "Shrek, Shrek, Shreeekkkkk!!!!! When I caught up I was just simply giddy.
The deal is that since we won the 10K on American's Funniest Home Videos we were flown back for the 100K show and so we decided to take a few extra days of vacation and enjoy California.
My precious parents spent the vacation with us. They were just amazed at the roses in California. Even black roses! They were breathtaking.
I got kinda burned so, the next day was the taping of the Big 100K AFV show and they had cake on makeup upon my face. I was wearing a white dress... you can visualize the oompa loompa look. This show had a brief interview.... we blew it. I wonder if they will only keep in the things that make us look normal and edit out the rest?
On the trip we made a decision to cut back on Annah's sugar intake and so Paul bought her this. Serious and not kidding. :-)
So hope you can watch us again May 8th on ABC 6 o'clock Central Time, America's Funniest Home Video. Mothers Day. Everyone stay home and watch it with your Mothers. :)
I haven't checked yet to see if I still have blog friends following me but, when I get back tonight I can't wait to come catch up with your blogs!
And to my friend who I've managed to carelessly lose along the journey of life, if your reading this, hope your happy and well. Miss talking to you. I miss you.
After all the glam, I'm happy to be home. It almost seems the weather is straight from the book of Revelations doesn't it? I realize how important it is to keep my eyes where they are suppose to be. I don't want to be hit with disaster and not know where my God is...to know Him and be known by Him. To know that no matter what happens I am safe in His sight and care. I want to always have that assurance and that nearness. It doesn't always come easy. Sometimes I suddenly look around and find I've managed to get myself lost. But I always know its just me thats lost, God knows exactly where I am. But my feelings can also dictate my faith so I know its vital to spend time with God in worship, prayer and listening. Not a day should go by or begin without it.
okay, I really gotta run! :)