Friday, October 8, 2010

Captured Alive

I was minding my own business at the Fort Worth Zoo and along came a Gator or a Crocodile...I don't for sure. But, some how I fell dramatically to the ground and somehow I got my arm in his mouth. It was very surreal.
Annah on the Merry Go Round at the Zoo.  It was Homeschool day and we got in at a discounted price although the drive was really long and traffic in Fort Worth is crazy. 
Along with getting captured by alligators we got to ride turtles too!  Not sure whats wrong with my has some blur to it. 

"Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; You will cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' Isaiah 58:9


  1. looks like you guys had a great time! my gosh Libby, you look like a teenager in that first picture with the aligator. When I saw this on my dashboard with the picture I thought "I didn't realize Libby had a teenage daughter". You look great! Annah is cute riding the merry go round; simple pleasures indeed make them so happy :)


  2. Sound like all had a good time and you were safe after all. Crocs didn't get you that day, praise God!

  3. And someone just happened to be right there ready with a camera to take that dramatic / surreal experience! :) Looks like you had a great time!

  4. Yikes! That is one ugly mean looking Gator!

    I hope they put your arm back on the right way! I once heard that Fort Worth Zoo vets have been known to sometimes sew body parts back on upside down! And I'm sure that would make it very difficult for you to scratch your nose :-)

  5. oh crazy and cute photo!! glad you had fun :-) you must get into a lot of trouble like me ;-)

  6. You crazy girl! I love that about you! Looks like you two had a rough day! Hope you have recovered as I am sure Annah was able to reattached your arm (maybe you should cover that in your studies...might come in handy) :) Glad you had so much fun!!!
