Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Insty Message

Alan, my son, was trying to reach me via Yahoo Messenger and apparently Annah was at PBS playing a game and intercepted.  Here is her very first text messenging. :)   Tiffany and I laughed and laughed. Its just so darn cute. :)
I got on and tried to buzz him but he was already gone and missed his little sisters communication effort.   I haven't been able to shut it down, its just too cute to me. Everything she does is cute to me and I rejoice in her wholeness and intelligence. She has not suffered from her prenatal trauma or its harsh drug environment to her or being premature.  She is a dramatic, super loving and very smart 4 year old. Thank you God!  

...."We must exercise the greatest care to be utterly obedient to Him who sees all the battlefield all the time. It is only He who can put each man in the place where his life can count for the most...."  
John Hyde


  1. how cute!! I wouldn't want to get rid of it either! what a blessing she is and truly a gift from the Lord :) thank you Lord for taking care of Annah and providing such a loving family for her!


  2. How sweet! And now you have a screen shot of it -- FOREVER! :)

    I love that quote, btw. And I asked my son to bring over a can of beer (which he did)so I can make your beer bread. I'll let you know how it turns out.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. She spelled all that out herself?? O ye of little!!
