Saturday, May 1, 2010

The snake who came to dinner

This little booger was in the hen coop with an egg lodged in his throat. Paul got him on this snake catcher and was taking him down to the lake. What is rather funny about this is that after Paul took him down to the lake Annah came back and reported... "he looked at us REAL mean and then spit the egg out and took off"..... thats a hoot...I mean seriously... he must of decided that stupid egg had caused him enough trouble or he was saying "take that!!"
You can see the egg right there in the photo.... 

One of my favorite verses:
 Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed;
save me and I will be saved,
for you are the one I praise. 
- Jeremiah  17:14


  1. Haha! That's priceless! I probably would have fallen out laughing. What a greedy snake! :)

  2. Hey, snakes have to eat too! We have mosquitoes, but no snakes. What did you do with the hacked up egg?

  3. that is a very good scripture, Libby! Jeremiah has so many "gems" in that book, doesn't it? I pray Jeremiah 32:27 a lot "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" snake! in the hen coop! we would be packing up the place and moving! too cute about it spitting out the egg after going through all the trouble to get it in the first place


  4. That IS a little booger! And hilarious that he spit the egg out!

  5. That snake must have been traumatized... spitting the egg out LOL!! Life is never dull at your place. :-)

  6. OMGoodness!!! The snake looks HUGE to me!! You talk about it like it's no big deal...YIKES!! I have the "heevy geevies" just reading about it and seeing the picture! You are very brave people! Glad he gave you your egg back!! LOL!

  7. Libby...great, thanks! We just built a chicken coop and now have 3 year-old hens and 7 chicks. After talking with you and a couple guys from work with chickens, we dove in head first. Not only do I have to worry about foxes up here, but you tell me snakes are on the prowl too? Our snakes up here in Michigan aren't nearly as ferocious as yours in the South. Good thing you posted this AFTER we invested in chickens:)

  8. We don't have a snake problem were I live but were we go camping about 100 miles away we see a rattle snake once and a while. When I visited my grandpa's farm in Texas when I was a kid we were always warned not to get in the local lake
    because of the water moccasin snakes. What kind of snake was it that got in your hen house? I've never heard of a booger snake???

  9. Rather you than me!
    Hope you're well ;)
