Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forbidden Fruit

Forbidden Fruit.

I jog about 6 miles a day, every day, 7 days a week. Usually I can eat anything I want to at any time on any day but suddenly... suddenly I packed on a few pounds out of nowhere. Probably my afternoon day trip to the Cheesecake Factory with friends and then the Mexi-Go resteraunt with Tiffany plus Chili's with Paul literally pushed me over my limit of being able to eat and eat and eat. At first I thought, no problem... it will come off as soon as I get back to my normal eating... but no. It has not come off and I am a bit troubled by it. I've gone back to my ever faithful fat gram counting diet ( no more than 20 - 30 grams of fat per day ) and loads of water in addition to my jogging in the Texas heat and sweating like a bullfrog... not that I know if bullfrogs sweat but, I imagine so. I am amazed after each jogging trip at how much sweat comes off me. My entire clothing attire is drenched, soaked.

The day the scale revealed this to me is the day Paul brought home this luscious box of 8 Golden Drumsticks of pure eating delight. This has been going on for days now. The temptation in my freezer. Sometimes I sit in my big comfy chair at night and begin to drift off into a dream like state thinking of those little bitty scattered nuts all over the frozen chocolate nestled on vanilla icecream on a crunchy yummy cone ...with just the perfect bit of chocolate buried in the little bottom part of the cone and how delightful it would be to go eat just one.... then I realize I should probably rush the box to my neighbors house just to rid myself of the temptation but, so far, its still sitting in my freezer with all 8 cones still intact.

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