Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Brown Recluse, Me & God

I'd like to share the story of when I was bitten by a brown recluse spider.
It was an article published and is now online here. The photos are of my bite personally.

It was a horrible time. I couldn't sit. I couldn't drive. I was in constant and tremendous pain at the site of the bite ( my bum ).

It was very disruptive on my life.

The day after the bite, after a night of tremendous and unbelievable pain (I am deathly allergic to wasp stings so I imagine I handled being bitten horribly in my body... my body reaction was extreme and horrendous. The doctor told me I probably would of died had I not used an old nebulizer my son had used for asmtha like symptoms. I could not breath within hours of being bitten and I just grabbed it up and put ...I think expired even... medicine in it and used it over and over. I was home alone and at the time, was completely unaware of what I would soon be facing) we went to the doctor and not realizing how long and painful and debilitating the journey would be, I accepted a placement of a newborn baby girl. Most foster infants go through withdrawals and of course you give up sleep to feed a baby all night... I had no idea what I was getting into with the after effects of the bite and so I took the baby girl... looking back... God's mercy was great. Out of all our babies... this little one slept all night from the time she came home... through my bouts of throwing up in the night and being extremely sick in the night for months, she slept through it. She was mellow, unbelievably easy and I know that God knew that had I had 'typical' drug exposed baby... I would not of been able to continue to care for the baby during that time so I have no doubt He orchestrated a placement for us of a baby that needed a family and needed a safe place and since it was our home at that time... it was a baby that was what you would call very easy, very happy and who unbelievably slept all night.

I learned alot from this bite experience. Most of what I took away from that nightmarish experience is between God and myself..its personal but as Laura explains in her blog--- it is that though the experience, I learned so much, I learned the nearness of God and I also learned about His Holiness, mercy, goodness, kindness and my faith increased... and I would not change it.

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