Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sleepy heads

This is a wee bit older photo but its one of my favorites.  The cat, Fluffy, she lived to be about 18 years old. Sweet thang she was.  Annah used to fall asleep so easily in our laps but nowadays its a bit more of a struggle getting her to stop wiggling and fall asleep.  We still rock her to sleep....we don't put her in bed and read her a story like normal families.... she brings a blanket and plops on my lap at bedtime about 8:30 and then there is the repeating "Be still..I saaaiiiid be still... still... stop wiggling, be still, shshshhshshhh, close your eyes... wanna go upstairs and read a story instead...no? ...Okay then close your eyes and be still....I saaaiddd be still ".... she's usually SO tired by 8:30 that within 15 minutes she's sound asleep. Honestly, I think if I was to actually take her upstairs to her bed and read to her that we would both be asleep. I don't want to be asleep that early.  I have always hated that fact that I'm usually barely having my eyes open by 10:30. Seems most my friends are up until the wee hours. Even in my youthfulness I couldn't stay awake past midnight. I would be the person asleep in the corner somewhere. Never could do lock ins or sleepovers...  I am energetic from sun up to sun down and then on cue every night its as if someone just turns off a switch, I start shutting down at dark.... nothing I can do. Sometimes I drink a coke.

"He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much". --Jesus Christ


  1. This picture is awesome! I had 5 cats growing up so I can relate! And, of the steps we go through to get the little people to bed. HA!

  2. What a sweet picture and I know it brings back wonderful memories. Cute about getting your girl to sleep. :)

  3. what an adorable picture!! what a fun bedtime ritual you guys have too :)

    I'm with you; I'm not a night owl; my son is though; he's just getting started at midnight when I've already been asleep for a few hours.


  4. Too sweet of a picture to not comment on!! Awwwwwwe!!! Hold on to that bedtime ritual as long as you can!!!

  5. I"m not so sure if Old Geezers can call a picture "sweet" so I'll just say it's very COOL!

  6. Your name caught my eye over at Wylies so I HAD to come by and say hello!

    What a cutie Annah is!!! I have a 5 year old Annie & 2 little guys but when I read your bio I thought...we have so much in common! Except...I am not a vegetarian :) But I do LOVE to run although I haven't since my last pregnancy because of my feet (long boring story)....but I will again! Love it too much :) Well I am rambling on here so I should go....but it was fun to visit! I will be back soon!
